Orphan of Kos

General Info
hp blood echoes Location Drops
19,217 60,000 Fishing Hamlet Coast Kos Parasite
physical DEF VS blunt VS thrust -
183 183 183 -
blood DEF arcane DEF fire atk bolt DEF
183 274 205 228
slow poison RES rapid poison RES VS beasts VS kin
999 999 No No

Orphan of Kos (ゴースの遺子 Gōsu no ishi lit. "Orphan of Gos") is a Great One Boss in Bloodborne. He is considered the final boss of The Old Hunters DLC. He is the son of Kosm.

"Mercy for the poor wizened child, mercy."

Orphan of Kos General Information

The boss will not be visible before or while entering the boss room, only after the initial cutscene will the boss be present, back turned to the player. Orphan will never aggro when entering the boss room, and will only aggro once the player is about 1/3 of the way towards him. 

This boss has two noticeable phases:

  • Phase 1:
    • Once engaged, the orphan will turn to the player and attack immediately.
    • Has a significant amount of moves with varying ranges and speeds.
  • Phase 2:
    • The Orphan will bite into the placenta-like weapon and transform.
    • Becomes slightly larger and gains a new set of moves, as well as keeping and enhancing some previous ones.
    • Is far more mobile making it harder to keep track of and stay in control.








  • The Orphan of Kos is a highly aggressive boss that is extremely mobile, especially in Phase 2, that can also utilize ranged attacks. Be prepared for great leaps and long range attacks.
  • Stick to his left side (right for you).
    • Mid range will be dangerous and hard to avoid attacks. Hugging his left is the place where you want to be. Circle him while attacking and quickly close any distance when he backs away. The second phase will make it easier as avoiding the jump attack lets you get some free hits in.
  • Parryable in both phases.
  • During phase 1 the HP restored by Blood Rapture runes is quadrupled!  Therefore, it is better to rely on using visceral attacks to restore your health, and save your blood vials for phase 2.
  • Augur of Ebrietas works well when he uses his jump attack in the first phase.
  • When he summons electricity by screeching, quickly move to the entrance of the boss arena. Alternatively, look toward the large corpse of Kos, where the bolt of lightning strikes the ground. "Waves" of electricity will move outward radially from this point. These "waves" have sharp demarcations and can be rolled through and/or walked/ran around.
    • They can also be more easily avoided if you stay in the water rather than on land. The bolts originate on Kos' corpse, do not stand near the corpse at all during the fight.
  • Once he enters the second phase by performing a shockwave, he will stay in the ground for a couple of seconds. This is your chance to charge up a strong attack (R2) or heal and buff.
    • The Orphan is immune to backstabs during this animation, as well as the lightning attack screech, but timing your charged attack to hit at the very end of said animations can score a backstab.
  • The boss area for this fight is large, circular and made up of two parts; the beach and the water.
    • Don't be afraid to go out over the water, as you can't actually fall in and it doesn't slow you down.
    • The beach is sloped and uneven with a few wooden branches sticking out of the ground that you can get stuck on.
    • The water area is flat and even and provides a great amount of space.
      • Eventually, however, you run into an invisible wall that prevents you from going further, so be aware.
  • In phase one, you can easily run under his forward leaping attack and then turn around for a charge attack followed by an easy backstab, plus a quick follow-up jab before he dodges away. Quickstepping or sprinting will carry you too far to attack him before he recovers. You can also bait his forward leaping attack consistently to quickly get through phase one.
    • Get far away from the Orphan so he is out of range, be careful though, he might throw his projectile towards you, but this can easily be avoided by rolling or keeping the Kos corpse between you and the Orphan to block it. Eventutally, the Orphan will start running towards you, from here, he will either do one of two moves: his forward leaping attack or an uppercut swing from his placenta blade. 
  • In phase one, he can be easily staggered by most heavier weapons, or several consecutive hits of a lighter weapons.
    • Be mindful of the stagger since it will reset his animation and he can easily punish you with one of his quicker attacks.
  • In phase one the Orphan has a very tricky attack which starts off with him reeling back his weapon with one hand a bit and doing a slam while taking a step or two towards the player. This attack can easily be dodged, however, it kicks up some dust from the beach, covering the follow up which is a quick dash towards the player with an uppercut.
  • His aerial dive attack in the first phase can be dodged by timing a dodge straight at him. This will result in you ending up behind him for a free attack with a quick weapon.
  • Dodging this boss in the first phase can be very easy as long as you pay close attention to which attack he is using. A number of his attacks sweep from one side to the other, and dodging properly into the attack can completely avoid any damage. Dodging in the direction the attack is being swung can result in you taking minor damage or the entire damage from the attack depending on whether you'te hit by the weapon or just by the strand attached to it..
  • Below is a full playbook for NG, with a melee character, mobility strat (sprinting, rolling and quick-stepping) only (unfortunately):
    • General guidelines before the phases are covered:
      • Orphan is a frequent and fast attacker. That means you want the fastest weapon with the fastest R1 possible (Blades of Mercy, Rakuyo, etc.), solid range, and you want to leave yourself as available as possible to quickstep or dodge. You will be R1-ing, and doing rolling R1's, so make sure your weapon can do that as instantaneously as possible. You want NOTHING slower than an untransformed Saw Cleaver's R1.
        • Be more careful when using slow weapons, like the tricked Kirkhammer or the tricked Ludwig's Holy Blade. Be more patient with these weapons while tricked, or use the untricked versions for faster attacked with less end lag
      • Some attacks can be interrupted with staggering, which can allow the boss to start a new attack.
        • This can be used to your advantage, as it is possible to infinitely loop Orphan with parries.
      • Some of the boss' attacks have a longer charge up time. Time your dodges correctly and stay calm.
      • Orphan is very mobile, be sure to know where you are so you don't get trapped against a wall. Don't be afraid to back away or run towards the middle of the map to increase your space.
      • Some attacks may have a shockwave hitbox, make sure to clear the attack range as well as a shockwave's.
      • Phase 2 Orphan is far more mobile than Phase 1. Remember to manage your space.
  •  Phase One:
    • Your windows are the most generous in this phase. The Orphan is slower to counter people behind his back, but his back-jump attack where he extends his placenta curved sword thingy has a persisting hitbox, and he changes up his timing to catch you off guard. He may also vary this attack by dodging more to the side, and throwing his weapon, so make sure to dodge CLEAR of the hitbox, which includes the cord attatched to the placenta.
    • You do NOT want to be in range of his flurry. Use his heavier attacks like his jumping attack, charged overhead slash/slam, etc. to attack instead. HOWEVER, his attack combo where he spins his placenta once or twice is a FALSE window, where he will try to counter you, so that is NOT a window.
    • His transition into phase 2 has an AOE explosion that doesn't do any damage, but will knock you on your feet, so don't worry about it. Never tried what happens if you're in the hitbox of his placenta curved sword thingy, though.
    • When he throws his placenta ball at you, it has a VERY low tracking arc that is more likely to defeat your attempts at dodging at range. So stay maybe 12 feet from Orphan when he throws these orbs, making sure to be strafing PURELY HORIZONTALLY before you quickstep out (never tested dodge roll), so you have enough distance.
    • When he is winding up his charged upward slash, dodge AGAINST his attack vector, not with it. Low damage if you end up where the weapon finally lands, over his left shoulder, but chip damage still stacks over time and he has a lot of health.
    • Be wary of an AOE attack, where a placenta ball is shoved into the ground. An explosion will occur after this, so dodge at the correct time or identify the incoming attack quickly enough.
    • Be wary of your healing. If timed badly, the use of a Blood Vial may endanger you more than help.
  • Phase Two:
    • Your windows here are his jumping attack, jumping attack combo, and slamming combo finishes. You can move in close to hug his back, BUT you MUST dodge against the vector of his weapon to give you the best chance of i-framing, which alternates a lot. So make sure to keep your eye on him so you know where to dodge.
    • Manage your spacing. Orphan is easily able to close the gap between you and it, and also can use ranged attacks.
    • Orphan can perform an attack where he jumps up high and back, throws multiple placenta balls in a line, forming a horizontal line of explosions. You want to dodge OUT of this attack, and be ready for him to do this 180 degrees from where he lands. Trying to dodge inward has a persisting hitbox and that will get you hit.
    • His circular placenta ball AOE attack gets bigger in this phase.
    • He varies up his placenta ball attack by jumping in the air, and throwing multiple balls in a circular arc. When he does this, you want to position yourself between but back from where the balls land, so the vertical waves that come at you don't hit you.
    • AVOID being near Kos' corpse near this fight. Being near the corpse makes it more likely that Orphan will scream, summoningly immensely damaging lightning. Try to keep yourself away from the corpse during the fight so when the lightning waves come, you can break your lock-on, sprint between the lightning waves, and put your eye back on Orphan because he is VERY good at seeking on you, and catching you off guard.
    • When Orphan does his jumping light attack combo, he covers a lot of ground and VERY fast. To circumvent this, dodge/quick-step out HORIZONTALLY and TOWARD your LEFT to avoid his hitbox. You may need to double-dodge/quickstep as well.

General Player Tips (NG+)

  • The difficulty of the fight increases with the ascension into NG+, as with all other bosses.
    • The boss gains no new abilities. However, Orphan's HP and damage is increased.
  • Fishing for backstabs with a heavy weapon works for the first phase (even if you miss the charged R2 will stun him, at least for LHB, making the fishing relatively safe)
  • On both phases, but especially the second, it may be ideal to stay close. Be wary of melee attacks.
  • For the second phase, try to fight him on the water (less things to get caught on)
  • For the second phase you may try to fight unlocked, basically circling him with rolls when he's in melee range and attacking on any openings, and just evading his ranged options.
  • For the second phase, when he flies up to do a slam attack, roll to one side and then the opposite side, it'll usually make him miss
  • For the second phase, when he does the lightning attack it's easier to just get some distance then walk in the gaps between the waves
  • For the second phase, try to stay on full HP, it's very easy for him to dish out a ton of damage, so try to stay at full health at all times.
    • Cautious gameplay may have to be adopted to succeed in this fight.
  • The use Communion Runes may help, as they increase the amount of available Blood Vials.
    • Be aware of your stored Blood Vials. If you're struggling, make sure to take a break to farm for more vials. 
  • Use a Clawmark Rune if you're good at performing parries, as they increase visceral damage.
  • For the oath, use the Hunter of Hunters if you got it from Eileen the Crow. It increases your stamina recovery speed.


Parry Guide

Most, if not all, of the melee attacks this boss does can be parried for visceral attacks, even those that involve him jumping. Some attacks are easier to parry, some are almost impossible. Here is a list of the easier ones:

  • In the first phase the easiest to parry is the slow overhead smash. Fire your weapon when he has lifted his leg to ready the heavy attack.
  • When he does a 180 degree clockwise swipe and continues swiping the opposite direction with 180 degree counter clockwise swipe, the second swipe is easy to parry if you stayed just far enough to avoid the first swipe without dodging, then fire your weapon when the second swipe is about to start.
  • One of the safest parry opportunities is when he screams, shakes his upper body like he is really mad and slams the ground in front of him, pauses for a second and continues with 2 fast swings. The range of those two last swings aren't far and it is pretty safe to shoot immediately after dodging straight back to avoid the first swing. It's tricky to hit but you are safe from any counter attacks.
  • In the second phase there aren't any really safe parry opportunities. The least dangerous one however is fairly easy to spot. Once Orphan calms down and starts to simply walk towards the player staring him/her down, boss is actually preparing one of his short ranged attacks. It really doesn't matter which attack it is going to be, since he always has to move his weapon to his side before an attack. That is the time to fire your gun, once you see his weapon at his side and not in front of him. It is a small window and requires good reflexes but can be done consistently.
  • In the first phase the Auger of Ebrietas is a very easy way to get back stab viscerals on him. Particularly during his AoE red burst attack and his quick dash to upper cut. On the dash upper cut dodge into him and you'll be able to fairly consistently get the backstab with the Augur. If you couple this with the Odeon Writh rune you don't even have to expend bullets. This rune also seems to give more bullets in the first half of this fight. (Using Oedon Writhe +2 in the first half of the fight, I have gotten a COMPLETE refill from 1-20 bullets on a single visceral. Needs confirming).



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Attack Name Attack Description & Counter
Charged spinning attack (1st phase) He will start a fairly slow windup, bringing his weapon to the left of his body before swinging the weapon around twice in a circular overhead swing. If you decide to get close after the first swing he will switch up his attack with the ground vertical attack or the low weapon swing. This attack can be parried.
Ground vertical swing (1st phase) He will slam his weapon to the ground before swinging it upward and having it land near the back left side of his body. For this attack, dodge to the left of him as dodging right may inflict the partial damage of the weapon coming back on the landing.
Charged overhead slam (1st phase) He will raise his weapon with both hands over his head and wait near 3 seconds before slamming it down and inflicting a small AoE physical attack. This attack can be parried.
Bomb (1st and 2nd phase) He will pull out slime from his weapon and will plant it in the ground, forming a bomb that explodes with a medium AoE.
Projectile (1st phase) From a range, he will reach into his weapon and throw a ball at the player. This projectile incredible range, decent tracking, explodes on impact or upon reaching wherever your character was. It is recommended to dodge to the side about a second before impact, as the ball turns in flight, but slowly. If it connects, there is a knockdown effect, and Orphan will follow it up with a leaping attack or a vertical swing.
Leaping vertical attack (1st phase) This is his version of a dash. He will jump backwards and slam his weapon hard to the ground to gain some distance away from you. Most of the times he will either follow this up with a charged spinning attack, blood projectile, or may use the time to change into his second form.
Shockwave Once he is around 50% of his health, he will stick his left hand into his weapon and will slam it on the ground, causing a huge shockwave, which will knock you off your feet, but not damage you.
Lightning Waves (2nd phase) He will sound a long screech, which will summon waves of lightning, originating at the corpse of Kos, that will travel at a great distance across the boss arena.
Aerial Projectiles (2nd phase) He will fly up in the air, and shoot out a multitude of projectiles, which will have shorter range compared to the single projectile he shoots in the first phase.


Notes & Trivia

  • Has a chance to get frozen in place right after he goes into his second phase (unconfirmed)
  • Once slain, attack the black spirit on top of Kos to get "Nightmare Slain", and complete the DLC.
  • If one is having trouble dodging his ranged attack (reaches into placenta and throws part of it at you), the loch shield can be used to great effect to mitigate it's damage. It will still damage you, but you won't be stunned when it connects, unlike if you got hit without the shield, and it'll only deal 20-15% the damage it normally does.
  • Blood Rapture (visceral attacks restore health) and Oedon Writhe (visceral attacks grant Quicksilver Bullets) runes are enhanced during the first phase. It will restore a far greater amount of health than it should (about four times the amount). Might be a bug.
  • The Plain Doll will have special dialogue after slaying the black spirit of the Orphan of Kos.
  • The first and second forms are NOT kin, so kin related gems do nothing.
  • His body does not disappear if he is slain via visceral attack in his first form.
    • This is caused by the fact that the first form does not seem to have a death animation or dead state as a whole. You can kill him before going into phase 2 without a visceral attack.
  • There are many snail women facing the boss gate in a prayer position.
    • Killing them does not grant any Blood Echoes or Items.
    • They have no health. If you touch them while rolling, you will kill them.
  • The placenta he wields looks a lot like a giant cursed blood gem. This suggest that "Kosm" may have been cursed.
  • The Orphan has a connection to Gehrman. After you defeat The Orphan, The Doll will say: "Oh, good hunter. I can hear Gehrman sleeping. On any other night, he'd be restless. But on this night, he sounds so very calm. ...perhaps something has eased his suffering"













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    • Anonymous

      Call me trash at the game all you like, but how are you supposed to parry this guy? I seriously can't ever get the timing right since he just hits too quick and hard. I've already beat Inner Isshin in Sekiro but never once have I felt this powerless.

      • Anonymous

        Before I defeated him for the first time, I died so many times that I honestly thought that he has a secret comeback mechanic for idiots like me, the full health restoration (1001 health) from visceral with a rune. But damn, this is the best boss in the whole game, I think, and it feels so rewarding defeating him, thanks to him being parriable. My favourite attack of his is a 1st phase jump, because you can dodge forward under him, backstab with Augur of Ebrietas, and follow it up with visceral.
        Also, a less detailed arena with less walls that make you fight the camera helps a lot. I hate the Ludwig duel mostly because of how easily you can be locked into the corner staring at your hunter's back point blank, and how absurdly dangerous his ceiling jump is. Orphan's movement certainly releases your lock on in the 2nd phase, but he still feels less bullshit to fight against.

        • Anonymous

          He becomes so relentless in his second phase that it seems he ends up turning all the fear he had encountering you into vengeful anger. The presence of his mother coming to help him in the form of lightning is such a remarkable moment. Probably the most anxiety inducing boss along with poisonous Blood Starved Beast and Accursed Ludwig.

          • Anonymous

            I love this boss because based on how much you are aware of the lore/context it can either be just a disgusting, strange creature that attacks you or an insanely sad and regretful duel against a literal child who lost it's mother. I think the ost for it captures a perfect middle ground between the two.

            • Anonymous

              This is my first playthrough of BB and all I can say is that the lasting effect attacks and questionable hitboxes are the bane of my existence. It really shows how fromsoft improved with their boss mechanics, this still is a really fun fight and to me was a gateway into making a lot of the bosses in ds3 specifically Gael.

              • Anonymous

                Orphan of Mid. One of the most over-hyped bosses of all time. Not bad, but not amazing.

                Generic, boring moveset that merely consists of him swinging a placenta around and screeching obnoxiously like so many other bosses in this game do. Only exception is the lighting gimmick attack. Not very hard either given how BASIC and predictable most of his moveset is. Ludwig is way harder.

                Overall, B-tier fight.

                • Anonymous

                  People say he's weak to bolt, but his description on this page asays he's weaker to fire. Am I missing something?

                  • Anonymous

                    OMG I FINALLY BEAT HIM, he was easier today then yesterday maybe a good night sleep and a clear mind really helps

                    • Anonymous

                      The tonitrus is an effective weapon but it's poor star scaling really shows in this fight. You want to do the most damage possible to kos. While he's weak to bolt, sacrificing bolt damage for more physical damage is worth it, also the rune with up visceral attack damage 20% is helpful. Forgetting you're at the edge of the arena getting pinned by his stage two combo slam is miserable. Also parrying while he was charging to use his uppercut was never consistent.

                      • Anonymous

                        I just want to share my experience with this boss as it was pretty unexpected.
                        Prior to doing this boss and any of the DLC content, I had done all of the chalice dungeons content.
                        The chalices were awful. Literally awful. This Cursed and Defiled Chalice can go die in a pit for all I care.

                        When I went to this boss, I was expecting to suffer immensely as friends and most people sold it like a nightmare and a massively difficult fight.

                        I beat it on my first attempt with 14 blood vials left (had 23 at the start from the Caryll rune).

                        So I'm here a little confused. Have I been reborn into fire by the chalice dungeons? Is this boss being a little overhyped?
                        I mean, compared to the difficulty of the Watchdog of the Old Lords in the Defiled Chalice, this guy was relatively straightforward. He has no attack that can one shot me, which I appreciate in a boss, and dodging constantly to the right makes it mostly unable to hit me.
                        It's a cool fight but I don't think it's the hardest fight in BB and definitely not in all of the FS games. Isshin the Sword Saint (Dark version of the boss rush) is probably the hardest boss in any FS game.

                        • Anonymous

                          when he said "AWAuGaGGgH GaAAAaAgH YOOOOOOOOOWWWW" I felt that.

                          Jokes aside, probably my favorite boss fight in the game. So much fun to trade with him. My heart was racing

                          • Anonymous

                            I'm still impressed how I litterally had enough of Lawrence that I didn't beat him, died many tines to Ludwig and Maria, even a few to Living Failures and... Killed this mofo second try. And at first I had to open the door so wasn't paying much attention. Really weird, but I take that

                            • Anonymous

                              Laurence was way harder. I beat Orphan third try. It took at least 20 for Laurence. Why is Orphan is talked about more?

                              • Anonymous

                                I watched my gameplay from 2018. It took me dozens of tries. In my memory it was so epic and I felt skilled. Looking back I panic rolled into his attacks and took it straight to the face, topped off every time I got hit, and in general flailed wildly with my attacks. Goes to show that even for inexperienced players like myself, great boss design can make you feel powerful when you finally beat them. RIP seaside crack baby

                                • Anonymous

                                  After many years of thinking I couldn't do it I did it with an axe on NG+ and I didn't even realize I was on NG+, which must be why he hit like a truck while I was level 130.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Tbh, one of the most overhyped FromSoftware's bosses for me. Back in 2018, when I was playing through BB DLC after hearing opinions of other people I prepared for S tier boss and I found this - mid tier boss with annoying moveset instead of fun fight. And ever more sad thing is how that garbage is overshadowing actual amazing, S tier boss fights in BB, like Gehrman and Lady Maria that are fights where you have 100% fun and sometimes are you even sad after beating them, because amazing fight is over.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      My first fromsoft game was Bloodborne, beat that screeching placenta on 7th try, 70 arcane and a fire saw spear with augur work wonders on that mf

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Crazily enough, this boss gave me much less **** than a few others and I beat it in 15 tries. He was kinda scary so I just assumed he couldn't be parried. I noticed he has a sort of informal phase between the first and second where he chains more attacks together and it felt like some attacks came out quicker than at the very beginning, but those could just be similar attacks. In his second phase his hitboxes get wonky towards his left side, so you can just walk around in that area right next to him and keep playing aggressively while waiting for stamina. It seems that the carpet bomb move is a punishment for not staying in his ass because I only saw it once.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          This was one of those bosses I struggled with. Bloodborne was my 2nd Souls games after Dark Souls 2 and is completely different. When I finally beat Orphan of Kos I jumped out of my chair, fist pumped and yelled "Yeah! F**k you motherf***er!"

                                          • Anonymous

                                            with +10 pizza cutter, beast blood pellets, bolt paper, and some gems i farmed from winter lanterns before the boss i managed to kill him before phase transition. I was very much overleveled tho, because i also did chalices a lot which gave me enough souls for 41 vitality 33 endurance and 50 strength but still it feels great to destroy a thing that caused you such a headache before

                                            • when my wife gave birth to our first child, I had a ptsd flashback to this boss. I instinctively dodge rolled through the table knocking my wife into the floor. I picked up the IV machine (my trick weapon of choice) and drained my entire stamina bar on the newly birthed orphan. unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I could not I-frame the police officers' taser and I'm now serving a life sentence. truly the Dark Souls of child births. My child did not make it. Nightmare Slain :3

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Man just thinking about the Orphan fight theme makes me want to play through all of this game again. Best boss and best music

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I tried different tactics. Visceral attacks looked good for the first few tries but I found out that I'm not good at it. I wasnt able to be consistent because half of the time I got no parry when I thought there should be and in a lot of cases I did parry but he hit me & killed me anyway. I tried fast weapon and aggresive style but once i was close to him in the 1st phase he just started spamming attacks like he had no stamina bar.

                                                  So in the end what worked for me was to use 2H Ludwig and try to trigger his jumps - when he does it dont dodge but just run a bit forward, turn around and do a charged attack. If he doesnt jump, learn how to dodge to the right, hit him once and back off. Patience is the key. Try to stay in mid-range otherwise he will start throwing sh*t at you. I tried to not waste potions in the 1st phase. If it didnt go well and I lost a lot of HP, I just let him kill me and tried again. Phase 2 is hard. You need to be brave and stay close to him and try to run behind him from the right side. Once he screamed for electric attack I just checked my HP, made sure I have 100% and let the wave just hit me because it took a bit over half of my HP and I gained time to hit him. If he jumps just dodge a few times, once he lands just lock on him and quickly get close again.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Just beat the dlc for the first time and man, what a ride. The bosses were so cool, but not as bad as i thought theyd be(not overlevelled, just parried maria and orphan to death). Im happy to have been born at the right time to enjoy souls games

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      It's weird that he's not Kin, I wonder if there's a lore reason or if it's just an oversight. I think there's a lore reason because he bleeds red, while Kin bleed white.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        What do you do about the flurry attack?
                                                        I can't dodge away. I can't dodge to the side. I can't pay in-between the hits

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          So I'm trying to parry him, and I admittedly suck at employing the mechanic, but at this point I'm not even sure I understand how it's supposed to work: If I shoot him while he's in the middle of an attack, and he ends up staggered as a result, is that not a successful parry? Because I keep doing exactly that, but his attack still lands, so he's staggered for a couple of seconds, but I can't do anything about it because I'm on my ass. Shouldn't a successful parry prevent his attack from happening, much less from landing?

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            When the orphan does its lightning attack you can backstab him right before he stops screaming and use the visceral to dodge the lightning

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Me and some random person in co-op beat down on orphan so badly he didnt get the chance to go into phase 2.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                An advise, when Orphan of Kos jumps to air and your camera automaticly lock off, count to 3 and then dodge. You won't get hit. This is 2nd phase only attack so good luck.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Does anyone else have a much easier time dealing with the dumb baby's second phase than the first? Or am I just weird? Every time I do this fight, it takes several attempts to get through phase 1, then I almost always hitless his second.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    No wonder why his mother is dead, have you seen the size of the blade he's carrying... Must not be very safe to have this inside your belly...

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      This boss is when Elden Ring devs were born.
                                                                      High poise, high health, stupid long combos, light speed and delayed attacks, and input reading.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        all you psychos here comparing orphan to elden ring bosses are forgetting that orphan is probably "easier" because he's - bear with me - well-designed

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I can't help but feel the connection between the Orphan and Gehrman is that's what he perceives himself as in his subconscious because of what happened at the Fishing Hamlet. It's probably well known by now that the Orphan even uses Gehrman's cry during it's cutscene, which I believe is more symbolism of his guilt rather than simply reusing an audio file. Maybe it's just me but I see a lot similarities between the two from they're fighting style, long curved bladed weapon, facial structure, and even the flaps on the Orphan's back seem to resemble Gherman's coat.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Certainly a thematically odd boss. I never expected this to be the final boss of Bloodborne. I always expected a grand battle against a powerful great one or something, instead I got a unnecessarily challenging orphan of a slug god. If anything somebody like Ludwig or Maria would be a cooler final boss instead or maybe a battle against odeon but instead there is the orphan of Kos. But I suppose that makes sense, the dlc is not meant to be a story of grand battle, but relieving the hunters of the remorse. And the Orphan is a manifestation of that lingering regret.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I've farmed so many time the blood vials because of this boss that the trolls of Central Yarnham gave me a fidelity card, and I've filled it twice.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Wow, it is insane how different people’s personal experiences can possibly be with this game. Maria, Laurence, Orphan all took no more than 2 tries for me, in NG, first time playing it. Ludwig however, took me 78 attempts in total. This is ridiculous. Had the Pizza Wheel play style btw.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I think this guy is screaming in pain when he attacks. His weapon seems to be a part of him, because it just drags around in the cutscene when he gets out of kos’s wombs. Weird.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    on a total fluke my first attempt i got him into one more hit territory but died to greed. am on 15 attempts without even getting close to replicating my first try. i was so excited too but oh well!

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I fought Orphan for the first time the first weekend after the dlc dropped, back in high school. He was the perfect capstone of an awesome dlc but jeez he was hard. I'd beaten the first dark souls at that time and enjoyed the huge difference in combat between these two games. Bloodborne was faster, the weapons had more varied (and cooler looking) movesets, the rally system encouraged you to get into people's faces and stay there. Orphan tested every aspect of Bloodborne's combat, more than any other boss in the game. I only barely beat him with no resources left after several hours of pain and blood vial farming. He was hands-down the hardest thing I had ever done in a video games. period. And he left an impression on me, after the hours of effort put in how couldn't he?

                                                                                      Fast forward a few years, I've beaten the other Fromsoft games as they've come out (cept Sekiro, still gotta get on that) and they've all been great. But Bloodborne always stuck out in my mind as "the really good one with the best dlc." I beat Elden Ring for the first time and wondered why so much of it felt kinda off. Not necessarily bad, just weird. In a spiritual series made by the same developers with very consistent amounts of quality behind them, why didn't I feel the same things during these fights that I felt before? Are my tastes changing, or is there something with this game? Is this game even good? Were these games ever good? Only way to really find out is to play them all again, starting with Bloodborne.

                                                                                      Dust it off, boot it up, and Im back in Yharnam. I go for an Arcane build because I've never done one before. The entire time I'm dreading what's coming at the end, Orphan looming over my entire run like the pale moon that's supposed to be the "final boss." Yeah right, I knew who the real final boss of this game was. I beat Ludwig, get the best version of the Moonlight Greatsword these games have ever had, and max it out. I make a cum chalice just to get enough echoes to buy 600 blood vials, cuz I was gonna need them. I start the fight... and it's like I never left. Cainhurst set has the best physical/blood defense so use that, stick to his left side, hit him twice when he punches the ground then dash out, watch to see if its one ground explosion or two, charge an R2 after his jumping attack, is phase 2 at 50% or 40%, oh **** it's right now, get away from the corpse when he screams, roll through the lightning don't dash, when he jumps up he wont throw projectiles where he's landing so chase him, wait for his three-hit combo then parry after the 2nd hit cuz its easier, don't choke when he's at 1 hp, win. Even after all that he still took me to 1 blood vial with the +4 communion rune equipped, and even after all this time he still managed to leave that signature Fromsoft feeling of..... I don't even know how to describe it really, but if you're here know what it is.

                                                                                      Honestly I'm not sure what really spurred me to write all this out, I just really like this boss lol. He's not the flashiest boss ever and maybe not the hardest (still gotta beat Sekiro so Im not really one to judge), but the music, the backdrop, the lore, his design, THE FIGHT, it all just kinda comes together to make an extremely memorable boss. If Bloodborne 2 ever does happen I hope that the crown jewel of that game leaves me with half of what Orphan did, because he was ****ing brilliant.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Elden Ring first timer here playing Bloodborne. I had heard insanely grim stuff about this boss before I had fought him. ended up nailing him on my 4th attempt.
                                                                                        after comparing him to Malenia, Godfrey and Radagon, he really isn't that bad I think

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Is this guy easier in ng+? Not in terms of health and damage but like in general, is he easier? I’ve tried killing him over 20 times and counted 2 of them being actually close to beating him and I’m wondering if I should just skip him

                                                                                          • I was stuck on this guy for weeks when I decided to finally play through Bloodborne last year. Ended up getting distracted with something else and never went back. Decided to try him again after playing 180 hours of Elden Ring and beat him on my 3rd attempt. He feels much less aggressive and scary after Malenia and Malekith

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              I actually feel like I'm going insane fighting this nightmare baby. Like I'm going to have a goddamn stroke. I've been fighting for 3 days, multiple tries at different points throughout the day, because I get so worked up I have to calm down this is genuinely the only boss to make me this upset and give me this many problems (besides gascoigne when I first started playing and rom for some reason I had so many problems with her). EVERYDAY I get closer theres been like 3 attempts each day where he has 1 hit left and then i die to some insane combo . All the bosses have so been fun but this mf is torturing me. Hopefully I get his ass soon :]

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Fun Fact: The snail-women before the boss fight are actually objects, not NPCs. That's why they die when you roll into them, or more specifically, "break".

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  >"can i parry him though?"
                                                                                                  >ctrl f
                                                                                                  >Parryable in both phases.

                                                                                                  sounds easy! i will return when i have killed him

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Almost got him on my second attempt. Almost. Aftet that he was destroying me for the next two hours lol. Great boss honestly.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Some of the base game main bosses in Elden Ring are harder honestly. Or at least feel less fair. At least Orphan doesn't lower your max health and do damage over time with each hit right?

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