Great One's Wisdom

Fragments of the lost wisdom of the Great Ones, beings that might be described as gods.
Use to gain Insight.

At Byrgenwerth Master Willem had an epiphany: "We are thinking on the basest of planes. What we need, are more eyes.

Great One's Wisdom is a consumable Item in Bloodborne.


Great One's Wisdom Usage

  • Consume the skull to gain 2 Insight.



  • You receive one when you kill Patches The Spider in the First Floor Lecture Hall.
    • If you kill Amygdala after meeting him in person, he will disappear, leaving the item behind on the desk where he once stood.
    • If you shoot him down from the cliff in Nightmare Frontier, he drops the item in the swamp below, but survives.
  • 1x Byrgenwerth, on a corpse under the Lunarium, behind building near the lake.
  • 4x Nightmare of Mensis, on several corpses near the Brain of Mensis. Drop off onto a hidden path via the broken cage elevator, or go through the iron door in the Micolash boss arena. Note: Easier to obtain once the Brain of Mensis is dropped into the pit.



  • Similar to Madman's Knowledge in both appearance & function. May be a more concentrated form of the Knowledge.



  • The cosmic shapes flowing out of the broken skull resemble Phantasms, such as A Call Beyond; what appears to be a blue slug; the symbol of the celestial beings known as the Kin. This is likely an indication of the madness-inducing effects of acquiring knowledge pertaining to the Kin; the more soft Insight you accumulate, the deeper your knowledge of the Great Ones grows, driven further away from sanity. Once insightful enough, one may become aware of powerful Kin-type creatures (such as these), who are invisible to those oblivious of their existence.


Antidote  ♦  Beast Blood Pellet  ♦  Blood of Adella  ♦  Blood of Arianna  ♦  Blood Vial  ♦  Blue Elixir  ♦  Bold Hunter's Mark  ♦  Bolt Paper  ♦  Bone Marrow Ash  ♦  Coldblood  ♦  Delayed Molotov  ♦  Delayed Rope Molotov  ♦  Fire Paper  ♦  Frenzied Coldblood  ♦  Gold Pendant  ♦  Great One Coldblood  ♦  Hand Lantern  ♦  Hunter's Mark  ♦  Iosefka's Blood Vial  ♦  Kin Coldblood  ♦  Lead Elixir  ♦  One Third of Umbilical Cord  ♦  Quicksilver Bullets  ♦  Red Jeweled Brooch  ♦  Sedative  ♦  Shaman Bone Blade  ♦  Shining Coins  ♦  Tear Stone  ♦  Thick Coldblood  ♦  Tiny Music Box  ♦  Vermin


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    • Anonymous

      Patches the Spider drops this.
      Is it then possible that Patches is a Great One?
      I, for one, support this idea.

      • Anonymous

        If you need to farm these with minimum effort, there’s a chalice glyph (code: p2tbyhr2, same code used to get +100 Eye Rune early, video on youtube). Use this chalice glyph and enter the area to the left of where you spawn. When you reach the room with 4 chests that has the Eye Rune +100, it will give you Great One’s Wisdom if you’ve already collected the rune. Leave the dungeon and remove the chalice, then simply create it again using the code. Rinse, wash, repeat. I’m farming Great One’s Wisdom this way and so far i have 11. Just beware that enemies can be a little tough in this glyph, so don’t go too far

        • Anonymous

          I'm pretty sure I got one from the celestial mobs, I don't know if it's a drop, or if I found it on a corpse near the loot, in the Isz chalice layer 3.

          • Anonymous

            Another lurker, I think I know what the knowledge says when they are used, something along the lines of "Seek out the old hunters." Just a lil tidbit.

            • Anonymous

              Just a lurker here that still loves Bloodborne to death, but I've got an Isz Chalice dungeon that holds at least 4 of these bad boys. If you want to farm a few, type in this glyph:


              Two Great One's Wisdom can be found in the third layer right next to each other. But, stay cautious. There are more than a few "Witch of Hemwicks" that summon Mad Ones in some rather heinous locations.

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