Armor Optimizer that lets you select the best Attire for specific defenses in Bloodborne. This page gathers tools and contributions by many community members, please feel free to add corrections and content.
Please see the embedded spreadsheet below to be able to sort and filter armor to your liking.
If you came here looking for the best armor, that is very subjective. Here is a list of some of the best armors for certain situations. Please note this page does NOT take into account.

Situation Head Body Gloves Legs/Feet
Highest Grand Total (Sum of Defenses, Resistances and Beasthood Amplification) Harrowed Hood (Highest)
White Church Hat (Highest Non-DLC)
Black Church Garb Constable Gloves (Highest)
Graveguard Manchettes (Highest Non-DLC)
Harrowed Trousers (Highest)
Black Church Trousers-Dress (Highest Non-DLC)
Henryk's Hunter Trousers (Highest Non-DLC)
White Church Trousers-Dress (Highest Non-DLC)
Highest Defenses Total + Resistances Total (i.e. sum of all stats except Beasthood) White Church Hat Black Church Garb Constable Gloves (Highest)
Graveguard Manchettes (Highest Non-DLC)
Harrowed Trousers (Highest)
White Church Trousers-Dress (Highest Non-DLC)
Highest Defenses Total (Sum of Physical, Blunt, Thrust, Blood, Arcane, Fire and Bolt Defenses) Harrowed Hood
White Church Hat
Black Church Garb
Executioner Garb
Constable Gloves (Highest)
Crowfeather Manchettes (Highest Non-DLC)
Gascoigne’s Gloves (Highest Non-DLC)
Tomb Prospector Gloves (Highest Non-DLC)
Black Church Trousers-Dress
Choir Trousers
Harrowed Trousers
Henryk's Hunter Trousers
Tomb Prospector Trousers
White Church Trousers-Dress
Highest Resistances Total (Sum of Slow Poison, Rapid Poison and Frenzy Resistances) Graveguard Mask Butcher Garb (Highest)
Ashen Hunter Garb (Highest Non-DLC)
Graveguard Manchettes Butcher Trousers
Graveguard Kilt
Highest Physical Defense Black Hooded Iron Helm
Bone Ash Mask
Cainhurst Helmet
Harrowed Hood
Iron Yahar’gul Helm
Master’s Iron Helm
Mensis Cage
Beast Hide Garb
Cainhurst Armor
Harrowed Garb
Bone Ash Gauntlets
Butcher Gloves
Cainhurst Gauntlets
Charred Hunter Gloves
Constable Gloves
Harrowed Gloves
Old Hunter Gloves
Decorative Old Hunter Trousers (Highest)
Harrowed Trousers (Highest)
Ashen Hunter Trousers (Highest Non-DLC)
Bone Ash Leggings (Highest Non-DLC)
Cainhurst Leggings (Highest Non-DLC)
Charred Hunter Trousers (Highest Non-DLC)
Hunter Trousers (Highest Non-DLC)
Highest Blunt Defense Top Hat Beast Hide Garb
Executioner Garb
Ashen Hunter Gloves
Constable Gloves
Crowfeather Manchettes
Executions Gauntlets
Gascoigne’s Gloves
Yahar’gul Black Gloves
Crowfeather Trousers
Executioner Trousers
Highest Thrust Defense Gold Ardeo Black Church Garb
Cainhurst Armor
Executioner Garb
White Church Garb
Butcher Gloves
Gascoigne’s Gloves
Tomb Prospector Gloves
Yahar’gul Black Gloves
Yharnam Hunter Gloves
Black Church Trousers/Dress
Butcher Trousers
Cainhurst Leggings
Gascoigne’s Trousers
Graveguard Kilt
Henryk's Hunter Trousers
Knight’s Trousers/Dress
Madman Leggings
Maria Hunter Trousers
Old Hunter Trousers
Tomb Prospector Trousers
Yahar’gul Black Trousers
Yharnam Hunter Trouser
Highest Blood Defense Crown of Illusions
Maria Hunter Cap
Maria Hunter Garb (Highest)
Knight’s Garb (Highest Non-DLC)
Cainhurst Gauntlets
Crowfeather Manchettes
Knight’s Gloves
Maria Hunter Gloves
Surgical Long Gloves
Maria Hunter Trousers
White Church Trousers/Dress
Highest Arcane Defense Blindfold Cap Choir Garb Choir Gloves Choir Trousers
Highest Fire Defense Bone Ash Mask
Old Hunter Cap
Rumpled Yharnam Hat
White Church Hat
Charred Hunter Garb
Bone Ash Armor
Old Hunter Arm Bands (Highest)
Bone Ash Gauntlets (Highest Non-DLC)
Charred Hunter Gloves (Highest Non-DLC)
Wine Hakama (Highest)
Bone Ash Leggings (Highest Non-DLC)
Charred Hunter Trousers (Highest Non-DLC)
Highest Bolt Defense Gold Ardeo Henryk's Hunter Garb Bone Ash Gauntlets
Choir Gloves
Henryk's Hunter Gloves
Henryk's Hunter Trousers
Highest Slow Poison Resistance White Church Hat White Church Garb Harrowed Gloves (Highest)
Surgical Long Gloves (Highest Non-DLC)
Harrowed Trousers (Highest)
White Church Trousers-Dress (Highest Non-DLC)
Highest Rapid Poison Resistance Black Church Hat
Butcher Mask
Harrowed Hood
Butcher Garb (Highest)
Black Church Garb (Highest Non-DLC)
Butcher Gloves
Harrowed Gloves
Surgical Long Gloves
Butcher Trousers (Highest)
Black Church Trousers-Dress (Highest Non-DLC)
Highest Frenzy Resistance Beak Mask Ashen Hunter Garb Ashen Hunter Gloves Ashen Hunter Trousers
Hunter Trousers
Highest Beasthood Amplification Bradors Testimony (Highest)
Grey Wolf Cap (Highest Non-DLC)
Ashen Hunter Garb Bloodied Arm Bands (Highest)
Ashen Hunter Gloves (Highest Non-DLC)
Henryk's Hunter Gloves (Highest Non-DLC)
Bloodied Trousers (Highest)
Ashen Hunter Trousers (Highest Non-DLC)

Use the filters on the columns to sort the data you want so you can view what armor has highest of certain stats.

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    • Anonymous

      I don't want to be an ******* but the highest defense total is BS. Seems like this page take into account higher lowest stat instead of stat gain total.

      Harrowed Hood + Garb + Trousers + Old Hunter Gloves gives you 276 ,202, 228, 228, 252, 244, 237 in the defenses
      Replacing them by Constables Gl and Executioner Garb gives you 218, 221, 209, 201, 221, 206, 215 (Only Blunt reduction better by 19 points, while losing a total of 195 points in other stats). Even worse with black church garb and the other proposed options.

      • Anonymous

        I could honestly probably just slap together something usable in a google doc myself if there isn't since just adding stuff to a sheet and adding sort options shouldn't be hard, but I'm curious if the wiki itself has any plans at the moment for that or a more thorough optimizer.

        • Anonymous

          Highest rapid poison defense is the whole black church set (black church hat, black church garb, surgical long gloves, black church trousers/dress). Don't know about DLC items though.

          • Anonymous

            Can someone smart explain to me what the difference between 'Highest Grand Total' and 'Highest Defence Total' is? And also, DLC armour's aren't included in these charts, are they?

            • Anonymous

              So I noticed yesterday that when I put on my armor my defense didn't equal out to what they should of if it was just a 1:1 ratio. The resistance was fine but I was losing up to 10% from bolt Defense.

              • Anonymous

                Can someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong with the boss micolash on the second part of his fight when he's trapped again he almost one shots me and I can't dodge the attack as it's too explosive. It's that attack that goes round the whole room it's don't know it's name. It's kinda like a huge explosion of a tars.

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